Fiat124 Sed-Wag

Seat Pair (Fiat 850 Spider/Coupe - Series 2, 128 SL) - U7.5

Seat Pair (Fiat 850 Spider/Coupe - Series 2, 128 SL) - U7.5
Our Price: $0.00
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This is a pair of seats as fitted to Fiat 850 Spider. Series 2 style with head rest contour. 

Includes both seats.

Condition: USED (7.5 of 10)
These seats are in good condition with firm foam and no rust on the underside frame assemblies. The upholstery is in pretty good condition, and could be used as-is for a decent look, Seat adjusters are in good shape, plastic receivers at the bottom are unbroken.

Note:  Three of the four adjuster rails that are normally welded onto the seat have been removed.   Replace with units from your existing seats.